Seabreeze 7500-1 Cool Sweep

Seabreeze 7500-1 Cool Sweep Reviews

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Seabreeze 7500-1 Cool Sweep Feature

  • 90-degree pulse action sweeps the room 45 times per minute
  • No external moving parts for safe operation around children and pets
  • Desktop stand also wall-mounts with a single screw
  • 2 speeds and optional oscillation
  • 12 by 6 by 12 inches; 2-year warranty
Though it measures a mere 10 inches square at the grille, the Seabreeze Cool Sweep fan packs a lot of wind into its compact frame. It comes with two speeds--a quiet, breezy low and a gusty high--and optional oscillation. In action, the fan’s internal louvers rotate back and forth so that the entire head doesn’t have to. This allows for convenient wall-mount installation (screw not included), though the fan also comes with a built-in tabletop stand. For maximum versatility, the head rotates 360 degrees on its axis--you can direct air flow anywhere from straight down at the floor to straight up at the ceiling. Controls are front mounted for easy access, and the deep boxy construction and tight grille help protect unwitting pets and little fingers. All in all, the fan measures 12 by 6 by 12 inches. Seabreeze includes a two-year warranty. --Emily Bedard Patented pulse action Cool Sweep sweeps the room with refreshing air up to 45 times per minute. Unlike other oscillating fans, Cool Sweep employs four internal louvres to sweep the air across the room, so there are no external moving parts. This makes it the ultimate safety fan for use around children and pets. Cool Sweep offers whisper quiet operation and can be readily wall mounted using a single screw, ideal to distribute heat generated by wood stoves. In the vertical tilt position, Cool Sweep effectively distributes cool/warm air from vents.

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Feb 25, 2011 20:36:10


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